lundi 23 mai 2011

Missing one!

Day 5
"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29)
Another way to describe the positive side of this "30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge" is by using the word "edify," which means, "to build up." Negative comments only discourage and tear down. Positive comments encourage and build.
Do you edify your husband before others, adding to his value in their eyes? This is especially important with other family members.
Do you praise your husband to his relatives, and yours? Does your husband's mother know how much you love him? How about your dad? Perhaps you can drop a word of praise into a conversation or letter. Be creative in letting your relatives know that you respect your husband, love him, and support him--in spite of whatever flaws and weaknesses he may have. 

To that i answer this....

Another day!

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31b)
Do you recognize and appreciate your husband's creativity? Or do you criticize and demean his efforts? Instead of negativity, determine to be positive. Perhaps you can help your husband see that his efforts are an opportunity to glorify God.
Is your husband the "creative" type? Does he have any artistic gifts? What is that special "knack" he has? Affirm him for his handiwork--a hobby, music, gardening, tinkering with cars, working with wood, etc. Remember: Even if he doesn't measure up to your standards, praise his efforts. If your budget allows, buy him a book or magazine that will continue to encourage his special skill or talent.
If you have a hard time finding his "creative side," understand that men's creativity sometimes is related to their work. Find something he does to make his job run more smoothly or something he does that adds value to his work, and let him know that you have noticed.

We all do it. I know i did. Do .But As i read this I realized it is useless. Husband,you work harder then anybody else.But all you do ,you do for us. No matter what it is. Computer ,renovation or work. You are so focused at work sometimes I felt forgotten. But as I stay here today i realized this: the more focus you are , the more alive you will be coming home. We stay on your mind , you stay on ours and whatever else we can do together...Come home soon so we can start all of our unfinished buisness!!!  I love you.

samedi 21 mai 2011

Thank for being a Soldier

"Let him labor, working with his hands what is good . . ." (Ephesians 4:28b)We are all accountable for the things we say, both negative and positive words. Have you embraced the challenge to speak only positive things to your husband and to others about him? Here's a suggestion that touches the core of your husband's world.
Some women take their husband's career for granted, and they show it in many ways. Do you "dump" on your husband at the end of the workday, or do you strengthen and encourage him with your words? A wise wife will make her husband feel that she values and appreciates his work. Let him know that you are glad he is a hard worker. Take opportunities to praise his diligence and resourcefulness to others.

I am to blame! I do not "dump" , I slumped on my husband whenever he came home.  I am a stay at home mom and well life is hard. sometime. well mostly.when i am tired. i don't feel like it.Ok i admit it ,i am a whiner.
But if there is one thing , I feel i do right is tell him how proud of him I am. I can't say a thing about him beeing lazy or anything. At war ,there is nothing of the sort.He works away so other father ,husband get to stay home. I am proud to call him a Canadian Soldier. It hurts, it's a hard life ,filled with uncertainties and separations.But i'll take it none the less. God has united us in life and He will provide for us. 

I am proud of your work my husband, for your dedication to us, to your country and to your commerade. Thank you for being the example so many of us need. I love you.

Suffer and Kind...

"Love suffers long, and is kind." (1 Corinthians 13:4a)"My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

Love indeed suffers long and is kind. As you consider this challenge, determine today that you will not say anything negative to or about your husband. Speak kindly to him with words of genuine encouragement.
If your husband is considerate of your needs, let him know that you have noticed. Thank him for his kindness and consideration.

Thank the Lord that your husband knows how to be both tough and tender.
Sometimes it's difficult for a man to be gentle, kind, or tender--especially if he hasn't had role models in these areas. If he's not a considerate person, appeal to him for help without complaining. Let him know that it's hard for you to handle some things alone. Then, when he moves in to help, don't insist that he do it your way. Be glad that he is responding, and express your gratitude.
Ultimately, you can't expect your husband to make you feel more secure or loved. Remember that only God can meet the deepest needs of your heart.

To be honest ,reading this made me go back to all my harlequin i read. Rugged man, bravado, and cowboy all the like! If I must think of it , well maybe it does someway apply to my marriage. He isn't verbal. He hates talking on the phone . At first it was weird , me the super verbalist of the entire world ending up with a man who barely says what he likes for supper. It has changed a bit.
As of recently, my hubby left home to go to war .Hard times.I got real jalous of my friends who had love letter , phone calls every day and gifts. But i prayed about it. I still only found peace evry couples days after a ohone call then it would start again. 
When Hubby came home on vacation he said one simple thing, "stop beeing and idiot! I love you and you only.Always have ,always will. It just hurt to call home and remember I am so far away from my entire world. "
May I say ,me in my entire suckiness for everything harlqeuin related....I MELTED...
Then I understood . This IS my husband . Quiet but deep. So I can say I am lucky. That a man ,like him. is my husband.
"Babe, you are far and I get it! Love yous!"

jeudi 19 mai 2011

Day 2...

Today, find some way that your husband is serving you or your family

Well that one is a given...

What do you do for our family. You fight. You went away to keep us safe. But you are not only a soldier. You are a great Dad. The only one that can make bug's pancakes. I know i can't mix water and powder. You make great invented meals. I miss those!!! Oh and you can make the popcorn too. I know they seem small thing but after 7 months witout I NEED THEM. I need you. You are the only one that can rock our babies to sleep. You are the only one who canfold squarly. You are the only one who can really know how to program and connect our computer. You are the only MAN that make me smile day in day out.

I miss you...

mercredi 18 mai 2011

A first this year..

I confessed to being a non commital blogger. I come and I go when I please. I made promises but did not keep them.I never had the courage to do so ...Nor the motivation...Nor the will...So basically I abandon my promises.
But sometime things happen in life and you really feel up to it. I found this one.

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives

I'll be posting one thing a day and go from there...yeah i'm that much for explanation.

"...encourage you to keep track of what God does in your marriage over this next month. We hope you'll take time to share what God does in your home as you bless and encourage your spouse."

Better yourself, better your marriage, remember everyday why you love our husband.

Day One:"The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Prov. 31:11-12

To refresh your's the 30-Day Encouragement Challenge...for the next 30 days:
* You can't say anything negative about your husband your husband...or to anyone else, about your husband.
* Say something that you admire or appreciate about your your husband...and to someone else, about your husband!
To help you get started, have you ever thanked your husband for "choosing you" above all other women? He found you attractive as a person, and appreciated you. Though many circumstances in your marriage may have changed, let your husband know that you are glad God led you together, and that you want to be a blessing to him for the rest of your marriage.
 Let him know that he can trust you to be in his corner.
One of the best opportunities to express your gratitude is first thing in the morning. How do you greet your husband each morning? Is he confident in your love? Give him a "wake up call" that he'll never forget-a big "I love you" and an "I'm so glad I'm your wife!"

So this seems to be my turn to speak..or write...ahumm*cough* here I go...

I want to say good morning, I want to kiss you good day but life has brought circumstances that makes it very hard. So no matter where you are this morning or afternoon or night i want you to know I have never been so proud of you. Your sacrifice means the world to us .I stayed behind but kept your heart. I pray for you always and that is my gift to you. I love you. Be strong my soldier, you are almost home...